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We are committed to minimizing the need for you to use our services through education, even when within the ski area there is a code that can not only reduce the chances of serious injury but could potentially save your life…. education is power!
The Snow Responsibility Code
  1. Give way to others.
  2. Stay in control at all times. Know your ability, be able to stop and avoid other people.
  3. People below you have the right of way.
  4. Always use a spotter when jumping. Do not jump onto trails and always ensure the area is clear of others first.
  5. Stop where you can be seen, move to the outside of a trail.
  6. Brakes or leashes must be used to help prevent runaway equipment.
  7. If you are involved in, or witness an accident, remain at the scene and identify yourself to ski patrol.
  8. Obey all ski area signage. Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.
  9. Respect the safety and enjoyment of others.
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